Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Goodbye Florida.

Wednesday, September 21st 2016
Destin, FL and Los Angeles, CA

It’s around 9am CST and I waking up after an amazing night’s sleep. I still have sand in my bed, but I am so well rested that I no longer care. We have to leave in the next hour, so I quickly get dressed and pack up my bags. It is our last day and there is no coffee in the kitchen. It’s okay though, I remain grateful for past coffee.   

Eventually we begin to load up the truck. We literally have an entire luggage cart full of stuff (as it turns out, old people need a lot of stuff!). After we are all packed up, we make a coffee stop at McDonalds. We all chat happily on the way back to my Grandmother’s room at her assisted living facility. My Dad has left a large time buffer to hang out at Grandmother’s home and chat with all of her friends. As it turns out, she has a lot of friends! After about an hour of chatting with almost everyone in the building, it’s time for us to head out. We say our goodbyes and are off to the airport.

The drive to the Pensacola airport takes longer than expected, but we still arrive with plenty of time to spare. I say goodbye to Dad who will be driving back to Austin solo. I have about 2 hours to kill and spend my time playing plants vs zombies.

The flight home is uneventful and before I know it I am back home in LA.      

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